5-11-2023 NALC Branch 887 Union Meeting

 5/11/2023 NALC Branch 887 Union Meeting

In Attendance: Zach Parrish, Eugene Perry, Tom Perry, Don Harvey, Richard Riley, Rodney Butler, Charles Johnson, Eric Blake, Warren Prete, Justin K. Libberton, Theresa Hansen, Sharina Hardy, Steve Lambert, Jaret Moulton, 

Motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes by Don Harvey, seconded by Eric Blake.  Motion passed. 

Finance Report:  Checking:  $34,371.11   Savings:  $23,866.33

Correspondence:  *Several new CCAs signed up as members.  *Grievance backlog team is appointed to us again until May 16th.  Big thank you to Sharina Hardy for saving our food drive and doing all the leg work.

Stewards reports:


Start time will be changing this Saturday, 13 May, for the main office from 8:30 to 8:00.  Focus now is to ensure that it doesn’t get moved later moving forward.  Perhaps as part of a local agreement in which they have to prove 80% of the caseable mail isn’t in place before making a change, for example.  

Clerks are main reason mail isn’t ready.  Clerk staffing is the biggest problem.  Arrow keys has been an avenue for carriers to grieve something that could help with staffing.  Perhaps a conversation with the clerks union encouraging them to file grievances would be a good idea.

Severely shorthanded staffing led to a supervisor splitting routes out in 4-4.5 hrs each, which is inaccurate.  When a supervisor asks you to split a route out in this way do not do it.  Tell them no.  Give them an accurate estimate for the street time that day.  Split the time asked for by the boss, then take the extra time that’s uncovered and put it on their desk.  Informal A and potentially formal A grievances on this issue will take place this weekend.  3996s are to be filled out by the carriers, not management.

Route adjustment results are in for the 01 zone.  All routes came in at 8 hrs or less.  Several were light.  117 is most likely going to be absorbed into the other routes.  Management can appoint the routes anywhere from 7hrs50min to 8hrs10min, which will give them enough flexibility to absorb 117. Changes expected in June or July. Make sure that you take your lunch break, your 2 10 minute breaks, and that you don’t ever combine them.  

We could potentially take the morning break in the office, ensuring that carriers actually do it.

Locked gates at the main office is being greived.  Management continues to leave them locked, especially on Saturdays, but it has also happened recently on a Tuesday.  

Many article 8 grievances have been filed and won.  Adjustments are being seen on paychecks.

National grievances are happening according to the welcome back letters being handed out.  If you are shown 1, do not sign it!

Website created for our branch.  If you have any input let me know.  nalcbranch887.org

Potentially we could put the meetings on zoom for those that can’t come in person.

Postmaster and Station Manager have switched buildings from East Bay to Main Office and vice versa.


Not much going on.  Just paying close attention to work hours and making sure no one is going over 10 hrs.  Please let us know if that happens to you.  


Grieving a T-6 string and route 601 being posted as they were vacant.  Suddenly they got posted.  Seeking financial remedies and penalties for the time they spent unposted.  

Article 8 grievances happening in the 06 zone, as well.

Step B result came back concerning a notice of removal.  The result was in our favor.  Notice of removal wasn’t even included in the file.  

Problems happening with being awarded union time and information requests being fulfilled.  Those have both improved since the step B result.

New Business:  

Certain carriers in the 01 zone are always being the ones mandated to carry OT.  Mandating lists are not being tracked appropriately.  *Grievances are already being worked on for this issue.*  

Food Drive:  

Postmaster has given approval to use postal coolers.  Someone needed to pick up the food and pay for it Saturday morning.  Cards and bags still available if needed.

Motion to:  Adjourn meeting by Eugene Perry, seconded by Eric Blake.  Motion Passed

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