4-12-2023 NALC Branch 887 Meeting

 4/12/2023 NALC Branch 887 Union Meeting

In Attendance:  Tom Perry, Don Harvey, Dave Johnson, Richard Riley, Peter Holden, Eugene Perry, Eric Blake, Charles Johnson, Rodney Butler, Sharina Hardy, Justin K. Libberton, Theresa Hansen, Brett Cummings, Zach Parrish, Dave Polichette, Jaret Moulton

Motion to approve lack of minutes due to technology mistake by recording secretary Justin K. Libberton Submitted by Don Harvey, Seconded by Tom Perry.  


President Zach Parrish summarized previous meeting’s discussion about stewards team coming to Provo, dignity and respect in the workplace, potential rental of an office for the branch, which we’re meeting at tonight on a trial basis at 560 S. 100 W. in Provo, UT.

Finance Report:  Checking: $36,742.73   Savings: $23,763.40

Correspondence:  Stewards’ college.  Majority of CCAs signed up for the union.  Health Benefit Plan. Membership awards for 50 year pins to be followed up on by recording secretary.  Matt Parkin, member of union steward team that first came in.  Bulletin board posters and material. NALC folders for grievance filing also came in the mail. Mail key given to recording secretary.

Stewards reports:  


Changing start times grievance is biggest priority right now.  Multiple conversations with multiple managers along with help from Stephanie Long.

Article 8 violations are being grieved.  Multiple cases.

Sunday scheduling has drastically changed, fewer carriers scheduled each week.  We consider this a win.

Mandating on NS days, strategies being discussed on how to address these situations.  This is a huge problem, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to go about it, we’re open to them.

I was informed that Jose and Carl have no idea on union stuff including information requests, etc.  

3971s are being denied regardless of situation.  Including SL requests on NS days when placed timely (2 weeks in advance).

Routes being split up as only 4 hrs when they’re clearly longer than that on a daily basis.  Manager should be asking the T-6 or others familiar with the route to determine the proper amount of street time needed for the route that day.  This should be grievable based on the M41.  Along with the 3996, which should be filled out by carriers, not management.  

Possibility of grieving to chase a paper trail?  Hopefully exposing that there isn’t one, as supervisors throw them away.


We need to document everything with management at every turn.  These people cannot be relied upon when it comes to verbal confirmations or agreements in any ways.  

Grievances are coming through, district levels are aware of Provo and are getting involved.  Targets are on Postmaster and Station Manager.  Our strategies are working. 

FMLA and medical restrictions are continuing to be “denied”.  Denial asked for in writing, it’s yet to be provided.

Couple of grievances for supervisors taking loops out to the carriers as well as casing and/or carrying mail.  Intent is to prove that management is abusing the carriers and masking the need for staffing.  This will benefit us in the long run.  

Our efforts are to grieve everything big and small.

Met at the formal A regarding non-ODL carriers being mandated on their NS days.  For any that are willing to research these topics, we’d love for you to help us find the appropriate language in the contract.  

Hiring concerns discussed at length.  

There is a removal being greived, in communication with state president Phil Rodriguez, coordinating a plan on how to appropriately defend our carrier.

Article 8 violations are being grieved by the backlog team.  70+ are already in the works.  Most are being moved up to the step B team.  Rarely are they resolved at informal A nor at formal A.  

Backlog team has an extension in place with management through April 17th.  Continue to work on our behalf, even if not in person.  


Pretty quiet in the zone.  Schedule has been how we want it for the last 3 weeks.  Especially on Sundays.  

New CCAs are here, hoping we can retain them.  Concerned that they’ll be kept on regardless of ability to perform carrier duties.  Lack of training on the street.  30, 60, and 80 day evaluations need to be completed in order for management to let them go.  

Arrow key grievance?  Some days it’s being brought around, some not.  We’re supposed to place them in the lock box on the key cart at the end of the day?  They’re making us sign out in the morning, but not getting them from us by signature at ET.  Encouragement to continue grievances so that we can attach financial penalties.

Food Drive:  Coming soon.  Plans need to be put into place. Management support/cooperation needs to be assessed.  Last year we printed location spots to meet.  Food we’ve gotten sandwiches from Walmart.  Cards should be delivered by each carrier.  Some bags are left over from last year.  

Old Business:

New Business:  

Changes to banking account have been made.  New people added.  Former people need to be removed.  Executive members need to go in person to be removed.   

New office would be $375 per month, which includes utilities, internet, and access to common areas and conference rooms.  The lease can be flexible; either month by month, 6 months, or yearly. Location is convenient as it’s somewhat midway between the 2 Provo offices.  Interviews can be conducted privately.

Motion to approve this location (560 S. 100 W.) as our new office submitted by Don Harvey, seconded by Justin K. Libberton.  Motion passed.

Motion to adjourn the meeting submitted by Justin K. Libberton, seconded by Eric Blake.  Motion passed. 7:28pm

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